A deployment vehicle for researchers and developers in the fields of service robotics and artificial intelligence.
Containerized Environment
Develop on any machine, confirm in simulation and run on yours.
Automated Install
Maintain and sync multiple development machines with ease.
Rapid Deployment
Accelerate solution prototyping during research and development.
June 3, 2022
Coarobo GK's Research on SDE Published in Advanced Robotics
Coarobo GK published its research on a containerized Software Development Environment (SDE) for robotic system integration in Advanced Robotics, an international peer-reviewed journal, in open access.
May 18, 2022
Coarobo GK Conducted a MoveIt Tutorial Series with Panasonic
Coarobo GK recently conducted a MoveIt tutorial series with Panasonic Corporation to teach advanced motion planning strategies.